Dr. Bourbon's Aromatic Forrest Bitters Quart & Pint

The pedigree if bottle is proof beyond doubt, doubt is unreasonable unless the reason for doubt is circumstantial proving doubt is reasonable by not proving doubt is unreasonable to the pedigree of
Every Bottle has a story.
THE Dr. Bourbon’s Pulmonic Balsam’s story circumstantially proves optimistic cynicism is undeniably deniably a way to prove or disprove where any artifact is or isn’t FROM. This bottle’s story, this individual bottle, will always be FROM Baton Rouge, FROM the Legendary and Prodigious Louisiana Ande Johnson History Hunting Family, FROM Madison, FROM Wisconsin and is proudly served up to you FROM mrbottles.com and FROM the Wisconsin Antique & Advertising Club. See more at Wisantique.com